Xth: 84.0
XIIth: 86.6
B.Tech : 8.08 (IIT Roorkee) electronics and communication
CAT: 99.64 (ACIK)
Time: March 11th at 9:00 am at IIFT, Delhi
Topic of Essay: Computer will rule the world in future.
basically wrote bout how fast computers have become,mentioned about
charles babbage computing machine finished with saying that computer
ruling is not possible since it is ultimately a silicon device with no
emotions and thinking of its own..
Interview Panel: Panel I, p1, p2, p3
was the fiftht one to be interviewed
P1 - OK Gaurav what is your name??
me - I got confuesd.
P1 - I mean wat does "Kochar" stands for?
me - told them that my ancestors belong to Lahore in punjab and we
are punjabis..
P1 - So does "Kochar" signifies some city or a village?
me - No ,sir.
P1- So why was India divided??
me - told them that Jinnah was in favor of it.He felt that Muslims
would be oppressed in the country since it is Hindu dominated..
P1 -What kind of domination?
me - said demographically,Hindus were in majority
P1 - asked who were ruling India??
me - i said princely states were there,but Britishers were the main
P1 - before Britishers?
me - Mughals
P1 - So if Mughals ruled india before Britishers,then how come Muslims
were oppressed?
me - said sir i feel oppressed is not the right word,but a large
portion of Muslims was illiterate and their living standard was low as
compared to other castes,also jinnah had his own prime-ministerial
ambitions which were not likely to be fulfilled in india without
P1 - Have u heard about some property dispute in Mumbai?
me- I said it was ancestral property of jinnah and there was
controversy regarding ownership of it.i remember this much only sir..
P1 - Why Pakistan and India are not good frnds?
me- I said India was hurt by what pakistan did in 1948 and also
imperialistic ambitions of ruling class of pakistan during early days
after independence caused tension.Told smthing abt Kashmir and said
britishers gave choice to princely states to join either of the two
countries and ruler of Kashmir was not willing but later on joined
P1 - what other states were not willing?
me - tld abt Nizam of hyderabad and Kashmir.told smthing abt goa
P1 - Goa was not a princely state.
me -I agreed
P1- Tell me smthing more about jinnah
me - said he was a upper society man,did law from oxford and was
highly ambitious
P1 - He joined congress right??
me- said yes ,sir initially then he moved to muslim league.
P1 - Do you know some pakistan PM had relations with a indian village?
me - I said Julfikar bhutto
P1 - (laughed)so u seem to like bhutto?
me- said i have read an article about his ancestors lived in a village
in indian punjab.
P1 - Punjab???? are u sure?
me -said yes
P2 - india's or pakistan's?
me - India's.
P2 Bhutto was a sindhi or punjabi??
me - said sindhi
P2 - So how come punjab??
me - said before partition sindhis and pathans also lived in
punjab.but now bhuttos have moved to larkava.
P2 - What?? repeat..
me-said its Larkana..P2 seemed satisfied..
P2 -So where is sindh in pakistan??
me -I said region around karachi is sindh..
P1 - So sindh is in karachi?
me - no sir,karachi is in sindh..P1 laughed
p2 -so gaurav u r from electronics ,fresher,so tell me how does flat
screen works?
me-told them its is LCD(liquid crystal display) through TFT(thin film
p2-so ??
me- sir whenever electron beam strikes the surface that particular
transistor conducts.
pr-so what happens due to it?
me-said there is a layer of phosphor over it whenever current pass
throught it ,it glows told him about
light retention property of phosphorous and refresh rate
p2-ok,so how plasma tv works?
me-sir ,i am not aware of this technology.
p2-so how does this touch-screen mobile works?
me-sir,i havnt done a course on it,but i guess there must be a sensor
there that..
p2-what sensor??
me-peizoelectric crystal.it generates current when pressure is applied
on it.
p2-what happens inside it?
me-sir i havnt read about its inner details,i just know it generates
current on applying pressure
p2-but u must have read about it.
me-i said i think since electron when move in a particular direction
then they generate current,otherwise their random motion
cancels out and net momentum is zero.so molecules inside peizoelectric
crystla may orient themselves in such a way that make electron flow in
a particualr direction
on applying pressure.so current is generated
p2-so electrons have momentum?
me-yes sir
p2-what is the velocity of electron?
me-3*10^8 m/s
p2-(shocked) what??
me-i sensed it and said it is the maximum velocity that they can
p2-still surprised
me-sir their actual velocity depends on the electric field applied
told them I=ANeV.
p2-what is V?
me-told him about formula of V.wrote it on a paper.
p2- is this e ,natural base of log??
me- said no sir it is the charge of electron,told its value.
p2- so hav u heard abt e(log wala0?
me- said yes sir it is 2.718.
p2-what is so special abt it?
me-clueless ,thinking abt it
p2-what is e^x??
me-told him series.
p2-what is it derivative?
me-asked paper for it,hellll.. i was differentiating the series.nyway
i said it is x*e^x.
me- i said no it is e^x.said it was just a slip of tongue.
p2-so what does it signify?
me-sir area under curve..
p2-no integration,differentian i mean,
me-told him abt slope.
p2(satisfied)-so it value give u the slope of curve.
me- i said yes.
p2-said i m over to p3.
p3-so gaurav dou hav a cell phone??
me-yes sir
p3-so how many users do u think that are being added each year?
me-gave some arbit number
p3-(laughed )doesnt matter leave it.so why mobiles are becoming so
me-sir easy to get a connection,flexible.
p3-wat abt landline?
me-sir declining,not that easy to get a connection,people getting
their land-line connections cut .
mentioned smthing abt BSNL.
p3-BSNL? so wat does BSNL stands for?
p3-so which body was there before BSNL?
p3-smiled and said okay P&T,then wat happened to P&T.
me-sir BSNL and VSNL were formed out of it.
p3-so if mobile is so good,then y it came late to india.
me-sir technology came in late 80's to USA and europe,around early
nineties it developed significanlty and around 1998 it came to india
so it is not that late.
also one reason cud be that mobile phones are difficult to track and
gave some terrorism and ID card funda.
p3-u said landline not easy to get ,u hv to stand in lines y so?
me-sir mainly 2 reasons
1) establishing landline connections involves setting dedicated
2) govt officials were inefficient due to lack of competition.
p3-wat role does BSNL play in mobile world?
me-largest GSM service provider(dnt know its correct or not).he
frowned a bit,and then added that it is so because BSNL already hv
infrastructure in place so
that working to it advantage ,other are also catching up fast..
p3-then said i m over to P1
p1-asked abt trek to dhoditaal
p1-tell me name of some peaks..
me-told abt K2,kanchenjunga some other too
p1-wat about shivalik?
me-told them
and thats it..
Seniors & friends, suggestions/comments/feedback is welcomed.
Xth: 89.4
XIIth: 90.6
B.Tech : 8.043 (IIT Roorkee)
CAT: 99.91 (all 6 calls)
Time: Feb 9th at 9:00 am at IIFT, Delhi
Topic of Essay: English is the language of today and tomorrow... wrote a
decent essay, there was an article in TOI on Feb 8th about English as a
gobal language, based my essay on that...
Interview Panel: Panel III, p1, p2, p3, and me on the receiving end.
P1: So, Mr. Abhinav Sarangi? Do you know what a sarangi is?
Me: told, but was not very sure of my answer...(later checked that i was
P1: Of what material are the strings made of?
Me: Don't know, maybe Cu-based alloy...
P1: What are the properties required?
Me: Elasticity...
P2: What is elasticity?
Me: told.
P1: What is hardening, tempering, annealing, normalizing?
Me: tried to explain...
P1: Do it in layman's term?
Me: again explained along the same lines, removed technical terms like
austenite, martensite etc.
P1: What is hardness? How is it measured?
Me: Explained well
P1: What is the difference between Rockwell and Brinell hardness testers?
Me: Explained in detail, including the mechanism.
It was going well till then, now the part bad started.
P1: Draw a curve for the cooling rate?
Me: clueless...
P2: Drew a graph and told me to write it's equation.
Me: told it is a^x.. then corrected myself and told.. it is a^(-x)
P2: Give an application of this curve
Me: The only thing that came to my mind, was an utility curve.
They murdered me on that... led me into a barrage of questions and basically
proved that my economics knowledge is bad, at the very best. P2 left the
room after this round.
HR dept of NTPC? What did you learn?
Me: Started with something
P3: How is it relevant?
Me: again some global gyaan on leadership in organizations... etc.
P3: What did you study in Sociology?
Me: Founding fathers...
P3: Who are?
Me: Told
P3: What did Max webber say?
Me: told about Bureaucracy...
P3: thank you (meanwhile P1 was looking at my certis, he saw a magazine..
told them i was the editor, hoping for a few questions... but nothing
doing... he saw another magazine, told one of my stories appeared in
that...n that my hobby is writing...)
P3: Which authors do you read? (taking pity on me)
Me: Dostoevsky, Franz Kafka, Orhan Pamuk,, and short stories of Anton
Chekhov, O.Henry
P1: (handing me back my file) Take a chocolate.