Have you ever stolen someone else’s thoughts or ideas and had pretended to show them as your own. It’s very usual, we all do it one and the other day in our life, and we are programmed to exhibit our fake intelligence by doing it that way.
But doing this over some extent, with intention of humiliating someone in front of others, just to falsely prove yourself superior is really malefic.
Read this…
It starts something like this, a group of friends (boys and girls) sitting in a Harvard Bar (a hangout place for Harvard geniuses) …Will (Matt Damon) is hero, he is working as a floor cleaner at MIT, he is blessed with immense mathematical intelligence, though he is doing floor cleaner’s job because he feels that there’s honor in doing whatever you like. And Chucky (Will’s friend in reel life) and Ben Affleck in real life is a guy who works at mines but at this moment he wants to flirt with girls, so he starts conversation with the girls. The movie is Good Will Hunting…
Chucky: Oh, Hello
Girls: Oh, Hello
Chucky: hi, how are ya?
Girls: fine.
Chucky: so, do you ladies come here often?
Girls: huh…
Chucky: Do I come here? I come here a bit. I’m here you know by time to time. Do you go school here?
Girls: Yep
Chucky: Yeah, That’s it. I think I had a class with you.
Girls: Oh yeah, what class?
Chucky: History
One from the group a girl named Skyler ( heroine): May be…
Chucky: Yes, I think that’s what it was. You don’t necessarily and may not remember me, you know I like it here. It doesn’t mean cause I go here I’m genius, I am very smart
Someone (a boy): Hey
Chucky: Hey, hows it goin? How are ya?
Someone: Good, how ya doin? What class did you say that was?
Together Girls and Chucky: Hostory
Someone: Yeah, just history, It must have been a survey class then .
Chucky: yeah, it was surveys.
Someone: Right
Chucky: You should check it out, it’s a good course. It’d be a good class.
Someone: How would you like that course?
Chucky: You know frankly, I found that class, you know rather elementary
Someone: elementary, you know I don’t doubt that it was yeah. I uh. I remember that class it was um it was just between recess and lunch.
Girls (Syler): Clark why don’t you go away?
(I think Skyler hated that nerd)
Someone (clark) to Skyler: Why don’t you relax?
Skyler: Why don’t you go away?
Someone (Clark): I am just havin fun with my new friend
Chucky: Are we gonna have a problem?
Someone (Clark): No No. There’s no problem here. I was just hoping you might give me some insight into the evolution of the market economies in the southern colonies. My contention is that prior to the revolutionary war, the economic modalities --- especially in the southern colonies could mostly be characterized as – agrarian pre-capitalist.
(Looking that guy harassing his friend Will (Matt Damon) chips in…)
Will: Let me tell you something, off course that’s your contention you are a first year grad student
You just got finished reading some Mexican historian Pete garrison. Probably you’re gonna be convinced of that till next month when you get to James Lemon. Then you’ve gonna be talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740. That gonna last until next year. Then you gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon wood talking about you know the pre evolutionary utopia and the capital forming effects of military mobilization.
Clark [Scoffs]: Well, as a matter of fact I know because Wood drastically underestimated the impact of …
Will: Wood drastically underestimated the impact of social distinction predicated upon wealth especially inherited wealth. You got that from Vicker’s work in Essex county page 98, right? I read that too.
Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us?
Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? or is that your thing, you come into a bar you read some obscure passage, then pretend pawn it off as your own idea, just to impress some girls? Embarrass my friend?
See the sad thing about a guy like you is, in 50 years you’re gonna start doin some thinking on your own. You’re gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life
One: Don’t do that and
Two: You dropped $150 grand on f**kin education, which you could have got for $1.50 in late charges at the public library.
Clark: yeah, but I will have a degree and you’ll be serving my kids fries at a drive through on our way to a skiing trip.
Will( smiles): May be, but at least I won’t be unoriginal. If you have a problem with that we could step outside, we could figure it out.
Someone (Clark): No man, there’s no problem its cool.
Will: cool.
Some people have very bad habit of showing others inferior to them by showing their fake intelligence, it’s pathetic. In above conversation, Will have tried to give concrete answers to those suckers.
Off course being unoriginal unnecessarily is probably like blowing away your soul out of your body. Stop being intentionally or unknowingly outlawed.
Gosh… its 12:53 am. It took me 32 minutes to copy the conversation. But is it worth? Yeah, at least I think so…
I have much more to bore you on this subject but I wont do that..
Its 12:59 am, signing off, Ta da da…
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